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Tuesday 25 November 2014

Two definitions for an Anticulturalist

1. anticulturalist

 we are surrounded by data

 this is only information when interpreted by the individual for his own needs

 therefore there is only one world view, only one world: the world of the individual

 this also applies digitally

 when information is pushed out to the world by any individual, this is inefficient and dishonest communication

 this is because information is received individually at the end-user stage as data

 it only becomes information on interpretation by the individual for his own needs

 culture is a shared illusion that the data has a certain shared meaning or force

 culture is a fatally flawed communication because each individual interprets data for his own needs

 culture does not exist aside from this shared contract of delusion because individuals cannot express this effectively. Imagine describing a colour to a blind man.

 Each person therefore is an Anticulturalist but this definition is also flawed because each person will interpret and utilise data for his own needs. 

anticulturalism is as unstable as anything else when signified, signifier and information are self-destructive concepts.

2. anticulturalist

. someone who does not like gardening

1 comment:

  1. Dear Joe,
    I thought your anticulturalist article was interesting. I would apply the idea that an anticulturalist is someone who doesn't see culture and tradition as being paramount rules above common sense or scientific or practical truth. Culturalists now see their traditions as trumping any scientific facts surrounding the COVID virus. They value their shared culture and world view.
